Thank You. Yes, You.

Gabe's still too young to understand that he got really sick (which scared the living bejesus out of his folks) so in his behalf, we'd like to thank all you guys who prayed for his safety and quick recovery. Thanks too to everyone who visited and brought food (which unfortunately Gabe couldn't eat, but it's the thought that really counts anyway) and texted words of comfort and encouragement. Just so you know, he's good as new now.
We're still a bit shaken by the entire thing, which explains why this follow-up post comes so late, but we're all okay now.
For those who still don't know, here's what happened in a nutshell. Gabe pooped a lot of blood (about two full diapers' worth) the night we got home from vacation, so we brought him to the ER. He lost a lot of blood so he got a blood transfusion, and the diagnostic exams done showed that the problem was that he had a Meckel's diverticulum. While waiting for his scheduled surgery to take out the diverticulum, he bled again, which eventually led to an emergency surgery. The operation was fast, and so was his recovery. The only real pain Gabe felt aside from the immediate post-operative pain (about 6 hours) were the hunger pangs during the three days after the surgery that he was not allowed to eat or drink anything.
More details later. I'll also be sure to post some pictures of our trip to Hong Kong and Macau. Check back soon.